I am very proud to work with the Freya Foundation to offer free and low cost counselling to families affected by PDH deficiency.

What is counselling?

Counselling is the name for a range of talking therapies which allow you to confidentially and with trained support, explore difficult thoughts and feelings.

Counselling can help you look at your life, your experiences and the world around you and explore how these things affect the way you feel and respond today.

Why Counselling?

Counselling may be able to help you manage tricky and painful situations and experiences in a way which is better for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Having a family member with a complex disability can be an additional stressor in our lives. Additional worries can make us less able to deal with things we might otherwise manage well. Counselling can give you a space to express and work through anything that is troubling you.

Your counselling needs need not be directly related to your family member with a disability. Good mental health and emotional wellbeing makes us more able to be fully present for our families

About me

I am registered with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society. I have experience working with a wide range of issues including bereavement, relationship breakdown, workplace stress, sexuality and gender identity, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and ideation, childhood trauma, rape and sexual assault.

I am also a foster carer for the Disabled Children’s team in Bristol and have a good understanding of the day-to-day reality of having a family member with a disability.

I can offer counselling sessions individually or for couples.


Any counselling you undertook would be entirely confidential – You can either contact me using the contact form on this site or directly at stephballcounselling@yahoo.com

If you prefer, you can contact the Freya foundation directly.

Confidentiality is a legal and ethical requirement for counsellors. I do not share any information about you or your sessions, with anyone, including staff at The Freya Foundation. We do ask that I am allowed to share your name with one member of staff at the foundation, purely to secure the funding for the sessions.


The Freya Foundation can offer an initial block of up to six sessions without cost to you.

Should you wish to continue, I offer a single person rate of £45 and a couples rate of £60 to Freya Foundation families. I have some lower cost spaces, but there is often a waiting list for these.